We're Keeping it Green

At CitiPark, we understand environmental issues affect everyone at all levels - at home, at work, on a day-to-day basis. It’s important to remember we all have a part to play when ensuring our environment is preserved and bettered for future generations.

We like to think we’re doing our part by investing in responsible, renewable technologies that conserve energy, reduce pollution and limit waste.

Here are just a few ways we’re trying to keep it green.

LED Lighting

LED lighting uses up to 60% less energy than standard fluorescent tube lighting and has a typical six year life span – resulting in the reduction of waste and carbon emissions. They also contain no hazardous mercury or halogen gases, making them eco-friendly with superior light quality, which makes our customers feel more secure.

After successful trials we’re proud to announce we’ve rolled out LED lighting in six of our multi-storey car parks.

Electric Vehicle Charging (EVC)

Electric vehicles typically emit 50% less carbon dioxide than combustion vehicles and produce far less noise pollution.

Over the last few years the number of registered electric vehicles has increased dramatically. In 2013 there were just 3,500 registered EVs in the UK. As of January 2016, that number sits at 48,000. That’s an increase of 37.14%! On top of this, there has also been an increase in the number of electric and plug-in hybrid models available in the UK. Each of the ten best-selling brands in the UK now offer an EV as part of their model range.

How Many EV Points are currently in the UK?

As with the growth in Electric Car registrations, the number of available charge points in the UK has also vastly increased from just a few hundred in 2011 to more than 9000 in 2016.

In response to this welcomed growth we have introduced EVC charging points to support customers who choose this sustainable method of transportation.

We’re also proud to announce our partnership with the pioneering company; Tesla. Our Merrion Centre car park in Leeds is the only place Leeds-based Tesla cars can be charged due to the power demand.

Solar Photovoltaic System

In 2001 we installed a Solar Photovoltaic Array (SPA) on the roof of our multi-storey car park in Leeds Dock. At the time it was the largest city centre SPA in the UK.

This system helps the environment by:

  • Saving 55 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year
  • Providing 15% of the car park’s electricity
  • 99% of the power generated being used on site

You can watch the installation of our Solar PV system at Leeds Dock below.

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