We're campaigning for road safety in 2013

At CitiPark, we don't take road safety lightly.

It's a well known fact that driving can be dangerous. It can take only a couple of seconds for an accident to occur and unfortunately when an incident involves a vehicle it can be very serious. We're concerned about the number of incidents that occur in the UK, especially when it turns out that many of them could be prevented.

We've teamed up with Manchester City Council, the British Parking Association and the Department for Transport's well known Think! campaign to produce this road safety infographic all about shocking road incident statistics up and down the country and giving you advice on how to prevent them and stay safe.

We're hoping that the online community will share this graphic with their family and friends to raise awareness of road safety issues and how we can all play a part in preventing incidents on the road, whether you're a driver or a pedestrian.

You can share the infographic on Facebook or Twitter using the buttons at the bottom of this page, or if you have your own website or blog you can embed the infographic by copying and pasting the code below on your own website.

Let's spread the word and raise awareness for safer roads!

You can copy the code below to embed the infographic on your own website!

<a href="http://citipark.co.uk/news/campaigning-for-road-safety-in-2013"><img src="towncentrecarparks.com/tccp/img/road_safety_ig.jpg"></a>​
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