Keep it Green

At Citipark we recognise that environmental issues affect everyone at all levels, whether that’s at home or at work, on a day-to-day basis.

We all have a part to play in ensuring that we preserve our environment for future generations and we want to make sure that we are playing our role by investing in responsible and renewable technologies that will conserve energy and reduce pollution and waste. Here are just some of the ways we are keeping it green.

LED Lighting

We are currently trialling the use of LED lighting in some of our car parks. LED lighting uses up to 60% less energy than normal fluorescent tube lighting and typically lasts up to 6 years – reducing waste and carbon emissions in the process.

LEDs contain no hazardous mercury or halogen gases and so they’re better for the environment. They also improve the quality of light, helping our customers feel more secure. Once our trials are complete we may look to install LED lighting in all of our multi-storey car parks. We would be interested to hear what you think – you can email us at via our Contact page.

Electric Vehicle Charging (EVC)

We have started to introduce EVC charging points so that we can support customers that choose this sustainable method of transportation. Electric vehicles typically emit 50% less carbon dioxide than combustion vehicles as well as producing far less noise pollution.

We are always striving to improve our facilities with the latest developments in renewable energy sources. Further details of which car parks provide these facilities are available on our Find Us page.

Solar Photovoltaic System

At our Leeds Dock car park in Leeds we installed the largest city centre Solar Photovoltaic array in the UK. Situated on the roof of our multi-storey car park, this system helps the environment by:

  • saving 55 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year
  • providing 15% of the car park’s electricity
  • 99% of the power generated being used on site

Watch our video (above) of the installation of our Solar PV system at Leeds Dock.

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