Cold weather - keeping you and your car safe

The temperature has dropped significantly, and being prepared for the coming colder weather should be top of your agenda.

The winter months are upon us with reports of snow already in Scotland. With that comes the problems that may arise with your car. Statistically, you are more likely to have an accident in winter with the icy roads and darker mornings and evenings. Your car is also more likely to break down as mechanical parts have to work harder in the cold.

Recent years have seen long and cold winters, with flash flooding and sustained periods of snow on the ground. You should endeavour to keep your car up to standard this year by putting it in for a full service before it gets too cold, ensuring that it is up to safe standards. many garages offer a winter inspection, checking cooling systems, fluid levels, disk and drum, steering columns and other vital parts.

Preparing your car in advance of the snow and ice of winter is the best way to ensure that you remain safe and your car doesn't suffer from any mechanical faults.


You need to make sure that you have a good tread on your tyres. Make sure that they are inflated to manufacturer's specifications and that you have at least 3mm of tread.


You'll need to make sure that there is antifreeze in your radiator to keep it going in the cold.


Your wipers wear down over time. Make sure that the blades aren't worn from use and replace them so that they'll last over the cold season. Also ensure that you have topped up your windshield wiper fluid with antifreeze so that you can keep on using it when the temperature is below zero.

Mirrors, Windows and Lights

Reduced visibility is an inevitability in winter. Keep it to a minimum by making sure that all of your windows and mirrors are clean and smear-free and your lights working at full strength. You should wear sunglasses during the daytime to reduce glare from the icy roads.

Through the winter, it is a good idea to have an emergency kit with you in the car. This kit should compromise of:

Blanket/spare warm clothing
Jump leads
First aid kit
Warm drink

CitiPark have a number of covered car parks which can reduce the issues that drivers have in winter. Your car is kept away from inclement conditions, so that there is no need to scrape the windshield in case of snow. The car parks are also well lit, making it safer on dark mornings and evenings.

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