Battle of the Sexes, who are the better drivers? Men or women?

The age old discussion as to who the better drivers are has been a long standing debate.

While tongue-in-cheek, the rivalry between men and women to be crowned kings or queens of the roads has caused some argument over the years.

It's a rivalry that is hotly debated between genders out on the roads, across Leeds and Manchester, and even here in our office at CitiPark.

We thought we'd take the opportunity to put it to the test and measure a few decisive pieces of information, to suss out who the better drivers are. Our interactive graphic reveals some fun and informative stats on UK road users and also lets you fill in some key factors in determining your quality of driving.

So if your brother can't park for love nor money, or your grandmother has clipped more wing mirrors than you can count on your hands, then get them to take our battle of the sexes challenge and watch the results add up!

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