CitiPark supports National Clean Air Day

CitiPark supports National Clean Air Day 2018 by raising awareness of the benefits of electric vehicles

As one of the car park operators championing the use of electric vehicles (EVs) which has a host of green initiatives already in place, CitiPark is supporting the second ever National Clean Air Day in the UK on 21st June 2018.

National Clean Air Day (NCAD) will see local schools, hospitals, workplaces and communities across the UK hold events designed to improve public understanding of air pollution, build awareness of how it affects our health and outline the ways in which we can the issue.

Air pollution increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and asthma attacks, as well as being associated with dementia. The health burden of air pollution is completely unnecessary and NCAD is all about giving everyone the tools and inspiration to help reduce pollution now. (Source:

CitiPark is supporting the day by raising awareness of how electric vehicles can help to reduce air pollution. The company is passionate about protecting the environment and improving air quality. It believes that the introduction of electric vehicles widely across the UK will encourage more people to buy/use them and lead to better air quality for all.

As part of its support for this year’s NCAD, earlier this week, CitiPark brought the New Nissan LEAF electric car to the main mall at the Merrion Centre in Leeds, to educate local schoolchildren about the benefits of electric vehicles on our environment.

Children from Woodkirk Academy in Wakefield were invited to the Merrion Centre to learn about the benefits of EVs on the environment from a Nissan representative. After their visit, the children were asked to create a poster reflecting all that they’d learnt about EVs and the importance of clean air and CitiPark is set to reward the children by offering them a chance to ride in a high specification electric car.

This initiative is being sponsored by Child Friendly Leeds, an organisation that seeks to create better outcomes for all children and young people in Leeds.

Charlotte-Daisy Ziff, Head of CSR at Town Centre Securities, owners of CitiPark, said: “At CitiPark, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our environment and promote clean air initiatives, so we are wholeheartedly supporting this year’s National Clean Air Day. Air pollution is one of the biggest health risks in the UK and it’s been linked to everything from asthma to heart disease. Getting the country moving towards electric vehicles will play a key part in helping to reduce air pollution and improving air quality in the UK.

“We have already introduced a number of green initiatives including our emissions-based parking tariffs for low emissions vehicles and we were recently awarded ‘Go Ultra Low’ company status. We have fully embraced the advent of EVs into our fleet and want to pass on the importance of EVs to help clean up the air for the next generation. Our schools awareness project is the perfect way to raise awareness with local children, while giving them a fun incentive and partnering with a charity that is close to our hearts.”

Drew Ferguson, Sales Executive at Nissan, said: “We are delighted to be teaming up with CitiPark to promote the benefits of EVs on our environment to local school children and explain how this new generation of electric cars can help clean up the dangerous levels of air pollution on our roads and around schools and playgrounds. We are thrilled that CitiPark is such a forward-thinking company, that has already recognised the value of EVs in the fight against air pollution and we want to get on board with educating our children who will be the drivers of the future.”

Alongside this initiative, CitiPark will be running a competition on their social media @CitiParkUK, giving followers the chance to win the New Nissan LEAF for the weekend!*

*Terms and conditions apply, click here for more.

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