Emissions Based Green Tariff Launch

Clipstone Street Emission Based Green Tariff

CitiPark, one of the leading car park operators in the UK, is the first to announce a new parking tariff based on the emissions of the vehicles parking at its Clipstone Street branch in London’s Congestion Zone.

Central London parking will become a whole lot more attractive for those driving Hybrid, Electric or Low-Emission vehicles, whereby the tech-savvy operator will be able to assess vehicle emissions upon entry to the car park and charge accordingly. Vehicle emission checks will be performed using advanced software developed by CitiPark’s parking partner, APT Skidata. Those vehicles omitting less than or equal to 75g/km of CO2 will qualify for the new ‘green tariff’, which will be discounted automatically by as much as 20% compared to the regular tariff.

London in particular has been at the centre of the air pollution topic for a while, firstly with the introduction of the Congestion Charge Zone in 2003 and more recently, the ‘T-charge’, which is a fee to be paid by owners of older, more polluting vehicles when driving in Central London from October 2017.

The Emission-based tariff by CitiPark supports the same principles as the ‘T-charge’ levy, both hoping to combat air pollution and other harmful environmental effects by rewarding drivers who opt for lower emission or electric vehicles.

Ben Ziff, Managing Director of CitiPark, commented, “We believe that the infrastructures supporting the auto-motive industry and government green agendas should also be adopting the same forward thinking approach. We are investing a great deal into our London car parks at the moment, not just aesthetically but operationally too”.

CitiPark recently partnered with Tesla to offer customers the use of Tesla Destination Chargers across their car park portfolio, including a number of EV Charging sockets at Clipstone Street. The Central London branch also offers a number of universal EV charging sockets to accommodate all Electric Vehicles, with the outlook to install more in order to cater for the rising number of Electric Vehicles on UK roads.

The new Emission-based tariff and investment in EV charging facilities has been a well-timed initiative from the car park operator, with more people opting to drive Hybrid, Electric or Low-Emission vehicles than ever before in the UK. In 2013, approximately 3500 registered plug-in vehicles were on the road, jumping to around 78,000 by October 2016, and nextgreencar.com predicting a further increase to 250,000 plugin vehicles by 2020.

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