Madame Tussauds

Come and See Madame Tussauds Amazing Wax Models

Madame Tussauds first opened over 200 years ago. Since then, over 500 million people have flocked through its doors to marvel at the waxy wonders that await inside.

The museum’s colourful history dates back to 1770 Paris, were Madame Tussaud learnt how to model wax likeness under the mentorship of Dr Philippe Curtius. In the early 19th century, after succeeding as an art tutor at the Palace of Versailles and surviving the feudalistic nobles during the French Revolution, Madame Tussaud moved to Britain. This is where she brought the news to life…

The early 19th century was a time when news travelled mainly by word of mouth. Madame Tussauds’ exhibition acted as a travelling newspaper, offering an exciting insight into global events and bringing the general public face-to-face with the people in the headlines. Priceless artefacts from the French Revolution, Napoleonic wars, figures of leading statesman and models of notorious villains; Madame Tussaud put faces to the names on everyone’s lips and captured the public’s imagination.

In 1835, Madame Tussauds’ exhibition settled in London as the Baker Street Bazaar, where visitors would pay ‘sixpence’ for the chance to meet the biggest names of the day. In 1884 the museum moved to Marylebone Road, which is where it resides today.

The 20th century saw rapid growth of popular tabloid press and public literacy, meaning information about current events was easily obtained. Because of this, Madame Tussauds became more of a commentary on popular celebrity, rather than a source of direct news.

Having survived a fire, earthquake and the WWII Blitz bombing Madame Tussauds is bigger and better than ever, combining it’s diverse history with the glamour, fascination and scandal of the 21st century celebrity. Pay a visit and transport to a galaxy far, far away with Tussauds’ unique, immersive Star Wars experience which features 16 of the most famous heroes and villains, posed in the most iconic scenes from the Star Wars universe. You can then take a selfie with Kim Kardashian – the first ever selfie taking wax model!
There’s also Brad Pitt with his squeezable bum, or grab a photo alongside Kate Moss for the cover of a glossy fashion magazine. The museum has A lists, Z lists and everyone in between. It’ll be your most famous day out ever. You can find more information on their latest offers and purchase tickets here

Madame Tussauds is minutes away from our Bell Street car park which has fantastic parking prices.

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