Top driving tips for snowy weather

More snow is expected to fall at the end of this week which means hazardous road conditions for the nation's drivers.

If you can avoid driving in these conditions then that's the best course of action, but what if you have no choice?

Our top 10 tips for snowy driving:

1. Avoid running electrical systems for longer than necessary – turn the heaters down and switch the heated rear window off once windows are clear. This will help you to conserve battery

2. Clear snow from your car's roof as well as from the windows and lights to avoid it falling onto your windscreen and blocking your view. Falling snow from your roof can be a hazard to other road users as well so take 5 minutes to get rid of it before you set off

3. Use your air conditioning to demist and reduce condensation on cold windows

4. Make sure you top up windscreen washer fluid and treat it with a suitable additive to stop it from freezing. Don't use ordinary engine antifreeze though or it will damage the paintwork!

5. The AA recommend using tyres with at least 3mm of tread for winter motoring

6. Reducing your tyre pressures to get more grip doesn't work and reduces stability so don't be tempted or it could result in an accident

7. When setting off pull away in second gear, easing your foot off the clutch gently to avoid wheel-spin

8. When travelling uphill avoid having to stop part way up by waiting until it is clear of other cars or by leaving plenty of room to the car in front. Keep a constant speed, choosing the most suitable gear well in advance

9. When driving downhill reduce your speed before the hill, use a low gear and try to avoid using the brakes. Leave as much room as possible between you and the car in front because stopping distances are 10 times longer than normal in snow and ice

10. If you have to use your brakes them apply them gently. Release the brakes and de-clutch if the car skids.

Weather forecast for Manchester

Thursday 24 January: temperatures as low as -2
Friday 25 January: temperatures as low at 0

Weather forecast for Leeds

Thursday 24 January: temperatures as low as -4
Friday 25 January: temperatures as low at -1

Do you have any top tips for driving in snowy conditions? Or do you have a story of how you've braved the snow and ice on the roads in Leeds and Manchester?

Join the discussion on our Facebook page and we'll publish the best ones!

Driving advice provided by The AA. Weather information provided by The Met Office on 23 January 2013.

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