Tax Disc Changes - Don't get caught out

October saw the long awaited farewell to the paper tax disc for vehicles. The change will affect how you tax your vehicle so we've put together a quick guide to make sure that you don't get caught out.

Whilst tax discs were an iconic part of British driving culture after their introduction in 1921, the DVLA has moved in favour of an electronic database and decided to retire the old paper version.

Here at CitiPark, we want to make sure that all of our customers are up to speed on the changes. Here's our guide:

Do I still need to tax my vehicle?

This is a definite yes. Whilst the need for displaying it in your windscreen is no longer required, you still have to pay to tax your vehicle.

If you already have an existing tax disc on your windscreen, you'll be able to remove it from now onwards as the DVLA have updated their system for those that have purchased a paper version.

Be aware that if you don't tax your vehicle you could be fined £1000 for failing to comply.

How do I tax my vehicle with the new system?

Easy. The DVLA have set up options allowing you to pay in installments by direct debit, whether that's annually, every six months, or monthly. This can be set up via the DVLA website or at the Post Office. One off payments can also be made using both channels.

How will anybody know if I've taxed my car if I'm not displaying a disc?

The DVLA keep a database of the tax paid on each vehicle throughout the country and they'll check, alongside the Police, to ensure that you're up to date on payments. Not only that, traffic cameras using ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology will check your number plate to ensure that the vehicle is taxed.

What happens if I sell my car?

This has caused a lot of confusion, but the process is very simple. You'll need to inform the DVLA that you're selling your car and they'll refund you for any full months of road tax that you no longer need.

Whoever then buys your car will need to tax it themselves.

What happens if I buy a second hand car?

The days of purchasing a fully taxed second hand car are well and truly over. If you buy a second hand vehicle, you'll need to tax it yourself.

Surely I don't need to tax my car if it's off the road?

If your vehicle is registered as off the road with the DVLA, you'll automatically receive a refund for any months additional months that you've purchased and no longer require.

Make sure you're ready

Whilst it may seem confusing, the change is definitely going to improve the experience of taxing your car. Follow the steps above and you won't get caught out!

If you're planning on visiting Leeds for a day out at some point, check out our car parks. We've got spaces in some of the most convenient locations for the city's attractions, shopping and restaurants. Learn more about our Leeds city centre car parks here.

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