One Year of Trinity Leeds

This month Leeds' landmark shopping centre will celebrate its first anniversary. The newest addition to Leeds' shopping and dining experience will mark its one year of business on March 21st later this month.

March is set to be a busy month for Leeds as the city celebrates Trinity's first birthday amongst other activities and events in the city centre.

The popular Leeds shopping centre saw a staggering 12 million visitors make their way through the city's newest shopping development in just seven months of its opening. At a cost of £350m, Trinity Leeds has added a new dimension to the city centre with high end bars and shops, bringing in visitors from across Yorkshire and the North of England.

With the more recent addition of Trinity Kitchen, the development has added a new dimension to visitor experiences of Leeds. At the end of 2013 the Yorkshire Evening Post reported that Trinity Leeds had also created some 3,000 jobs for the people of Leeds.

Trinity Leeds also contributed to the 31.4million visitors, a rise of over 1 million to Leeds city centre since it opened within its first seven months.

What do you think of Trinity Leeds?

What do you think of Trinity Leeds? Has it had a positive or negative impact on Leeds? Join in the conversation on Twitter.

Shopping in Leeds?

Shopping in Leeds city centre and looking for somewhere to park? Our Merrion Centre car park is just five minutes from Trinity Leeds and on is the doorstep of Leeds' biggest shopping streets. Our competitive parking rates and city centre car parks are dotted across Leeds city centre. Find out more here.

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