Free parking in Leeds raises money for Teenage Cancer Trust

To celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, we provided customers with free parking at our Clarence Dock site over the entire week and asked customers to donate to one of our chosen charities instead.

Ben Ziff, our Managing Director, said “We wanted to make sure that party-goers could concentrate on celebrating for the whole four days of the long Bank Holiday weekend, rather than worrying about their parking costs. We wanted people to enjoy themselves as much as possible during this once-in-a-lifetime experience and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to raise money for charity at the same time.”

Throughout 2012 we have been offering the cheapest parking options in Leeds at our Clarence Dock car park. To celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, we wanted to go that bit further and reward the people of Leeds with free, secure parking.

Ben added “The Teenage Cancer Trust is a charity that is very special to us and it’s important to everyone at CitiPark that we support them as much as we can, especially during the recession.”

Staff decorated the car park with Union Jack bunting to make sure that it looked the part and the scheme raised the princely sum of £2504.50. All of this money will go directly to helping young people aged between 13 and 24 that have been diagnosed with any form of cancer – making sure that they can access support relevant to their age group and don’t stop being teenagers just because they have cancer.

Ben says “We want to thank all of our customers who supported The Teenage Cancer Trust by making donations over the Jubilee weekend. We think this fundraiser was a great success so look out for similar schemes like this in the future.”

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